Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Me vs. Spider

Hello everyone! I started my day with the beginning of World War III.  I walking into the bathroom and was immediately charged by a huge spider. (Which while we're on the topic, have you ever noticed that spiders are the meanest insects.  They charge at people, bite them and sit up in corners and taunt you into climbing up to get them when they suddenly run across the ceiling when you're finally in smacking range.  Not to mention the webs. That feeling of walking into one and you know that it's on you, but you can't see it?  I'm telling you, they really are cruel.)  So anyways, this thing comes at me at full speed.  I, having just woken up, start to freak out. I didn't have shoes on and there is absolutely nothing to kill bugs with in the bathroom.  So, I did the only thing I could think of doing (admittingly, this is a Jennifer specialty, but I'll explain that in a minute).  I picked up the trashcan and sat it on it.  (See, the idea is that the bug is trapped and then the next person who comes along (this time it would be the cleaning lady) thinks "hmmm, why is this trashcan/bowl/bottle/object sitting in the middle of the floor" and picks it up.  Then, one of two things happens.  They either find a dead bug or it runs out at them and they kill it.  I just don't like ruining a perfectly good shoe and I don't like that crunch sound.)

So after winning this battle, I go about my day.  I studied for a while and then worked on the graphics for the VBS t-shirts for this summer.  All the while I contemplated whether or not I should warn the cleaning lady about my little friend under the trashcan.  I decided she could just handle it (opposed to writing a note).  (I should explain that the cleaning lady and I don't have the best of relationships.  Every time I see her she hells at me about my flatmate's dirty dishes.  She specifically will knock on my door and yell at me about this.  However, she is really nice to my other flatmates. It's a complex relationship.)  So, I figured I would get yelled at about the spider anyways, so I might as well just leave it.

Then, I went back into the bathroom.  And what awaits me? Well, that spider was perched on the wall.  I don't know how it got out from under the trashcan.  See, that's the other thing about spiders.  They can pull better stunts (getting out of things, disappearing, reappearing) than Houdini himself.  So, now I knew he needed to die.  I ran into my room and grabbed a flipflop, gave myself a pep talk and went back to face the spider.  It had moved of course.  But luckily, it was still in swinging range.  I smacked him once really good and all he did was scurry on the ground.  I hit him again and he scurried some more.  This went on for 6 smacks before he finally died.  Not wanting to see if he came back to life, I decided the only way to truly be rid of him was to flush him...and I mean the toilet was right there...also this battle may have gotten a little personal.  He also wouldn't flush.  I don't know how, but he managed to defy the sucking power of the toilet for a total of 4 flushes, before he was finally out of my bathroom for good.  Good riddance spider. I hope you didn't invite your friends.

Sadly, this was the most interesting part of my day.  Tomorrow I plan on doing some more studying and heading into town with Katelin to exchange some money for our trip to Sweden on Friday!

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