Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fashion ala Scotland

Hello! Today, I am going to blog about something that I have been meaning to blog about for some time; Scottish fashion (like college).  But first, I'm going to make you read all of the boring stuff about my day, because I have another rant.  I was suppose to have 2 classes today (ok, you probably already know where this is going).  I went to my first class and was 1 of 2 people who showed up.  No professor again today.  I do not know what this man's problem is, but I'd really like to know in the future, if Dr. Jekyll intends to show up for class.  Then, I had my seminar.  It was ok.  Dr. Jekyll must have laid off the drugs for 1 day, because he was relatively normal. All in all, it was a pretty unproductive seminar.  I spent the rest of my day mainly studying for my exam tomorrow (wish me luck).

Ok, on to the fun stuff.  So, my friends and I have noticed that fashion is different here than it is in the US.  First a disclaimer: I don't mean to stereotype the Scottish (even though that's kind of what I'm doing).  This is just their fashion.  People who are perfectly normal all dress like this.  It's just a change from American fashion.  Now, on with the stereotyping.  There is one word that perfectly describes the Scottish style: hipster.  For those who don't know what I mean by hipster, have no fear, I plan to lay it all out here.

First, a picture.

This is what I mean by hipster style.  The guys grow weird looking beards, they all (guys and girls) wear scarves and tight (like tight tight) jeans.  Hats are also a popular thing.

While hipster style is something that does exist in the US, it's more of a minority.  Hipster style thrives here.  I have some more pictures to illustrate the main fashion items that can be seen on a daily basis.

1.) Leggings
This is the best representation that I could find.  Leggings here are worn as pants (like in this picture, but minus the Uggs, which aren't popular here).  This actually really annoys me, because leggings are not pants.  If leggings were meant to be pants, they would be called pants.  But anyways, girls wear these all the time here.  I counted how many girls I saw wearing leggings one day.  Just from my class in Cottrell to my flat, I saw 42 pairs of leggings.  That's a lot. 

2. Fake glasses

A favorite accessory are glasses without lenses.  So, fake glasses.  I really don't understand this.  I mean, glasses are something people use to see, not to make fashion statements.  Well here, they're fashion statements. 

3. Tights and Shorts combo 

The shorts + tights = a great outfit look, is really popular.  This is another one that I don't understand.  If it's cool enough outside that you need to wear tights under your shorts, maybe you should just wear pants.  But that's just me. (Also notice the girl in this picture is sporting the fake glasses look.)

4.  The headband (in the literal sense)

The headband that goes around your head; another popular accessory.

5. Saggy hats
I really have nothing to say about this.  The term saggy hat really defines it well.

8. Toms
These are the popular shoe choice.  They have a good cause though.  For every pair that is purchased, Toms gives a pair of shoes to a child in need.  I personally, just think they're ugly...but that's opinion.

7. The scarf

It's not the scarf itself, but the way the scarf is worn; all fringe-y and stuff.  This is a good representation of it.

8. The ironic t-shirt

Some have sayings, others are just like this (it's ironic, because instead of buying a t-shirt with a pattern silk-screened on the front, you could just buy a shirt with this pattern on it).  There are a lot of ironic t-shirts going around Scotland. 

9. The vest
Lots and lots of vests.  Hey, if you can pull it off, go for it.

10. Unnaturally red hair

This is the hair color of choice; just channel Ariel from the Little Mermaid.

Well, that pretty much covers the Scottish fashion.  I hope you enjoyed this journey into the styles of Scotland.

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