Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goodbye Sweden

Hello everyone! Today, we woke up to another rainy day in Stockholm.  This morning we wandered around the touristy shops and bought souvenirs with the last of our Swedish money.  Then, we got a bus back to the airport.  We ate lunch in the airport again and waited to check in at the desk (another pleasure of Ryanair is that the don't open the desks all the time).  Then, we went through security and found our gate.  Our gate was in a tiny area with netting (kid you not) above us.  We felt trapped.  It was a peaceful time sitting in the airport, until the queuers started.  This is going to sound very only takes one to start a queue.

You see, everyone was sitting patiently waiting for them to board, when this family came up and started a queue.  This family looked like something out of a bad sitcom. The mom had her stringy bleached blonde hair and here pink track suit with Hawaiian flowers up the sides. There was a mystery gender kid with baggy pants, a little girl who thought she was "all that" in her grey track suit, scarf and hood up and the awkward older sister who acted like she had never been taken out of the house before.  The dad looked pretty normal.  Katelin and I were thrown off by this.  But anyways, they started to queue.  Which meant that us, and every else who got there early, was now not so close to the front anymore.  We eventually joined the queue, but we weren't happy about it.  It all worked out though because we got to sit together on the flight back.  It was a pretty uneventful flight.

Once we got into Edinburgh, we had to get on bus (Ryanair in true to themselves fashion, crammed us all in 2 buses) that took us to immigration.  Immigration to a surprisingly long time.  They only had 1 person working the non-EU line.  It was a good time.  And this man was really intense.  When Katelin and I got up there, he started out kind of nice, but really started to quiz us.  He would ask us things like "what are you studying" and then just give us this dead-pan serious look like it was a question that could get us deported.  But, we made it through, so I guess we must have passed his approval.

After recovering from our interrogation, we bot an AirLink bus to the train station and back to Stirling where we got McDonald's for dinner.  Tomorrow I plan on studying and going to Tesco.  I need to get all of my studying in order before Lauren comes on Wednesday!

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