Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shopping in Edinburgh

Hello everyone! Today my friends and I went into Edinburgh to shop.  Our plan was to get a train into Edinburgh this morning and shop for souvenirs for everyone back home.  We did get to this eventually, but in true us fashion, we stepped off the train and immediately (we weren't even out of the train station yet) found food.  It was another really nice day (I got to break out my Primark sunglasses yet again), so we sat in a park by the Sir Walter Scott monument and ate lunch.

Then, we say Disney Scotland.  Needless to say, we were sucked into the Disney store on Princess Street.  We wandered around Princess Street (which is the main shopping street in Edinburgh) for a long time.  We pretty much went into every store.  I bought some awesome shoes from H&M for only 7 pounds.  I was really excited about this.  I also go my Mom a Mother's Day present (which I'm obviously not going to say what it is here, because then she would know what it is).  Once the shops got a little too classy for us (the street seems to be set up so that the cheaper shops are placed together and then they get progressively more expensive the closer you get to the castle.), as in we saw Gucci and knew that we couldn't afford anything past that point, we hit the sides streets.

We eventually decided that we should actually do souvenir shopping, so we walked towards the Royal Mile and went into all of the gift shops on our trek up towards the castle.  There were all kinds of street performers out today (some of which were interesting and others not so much).  After our fill of shopping, we got a train back to Stirling. It was a great day! It was nice to be in Edinburgh and just be able to mosey from shop to shop.

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