Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dr. Jekyll Strikes Again

Hello everyone! Well, I think I have finally recovered from the excitement of my weekend.  Which is a good thing, considering I leave to go down to London in 2 days.  Today was another easy day for me.  I only had one class and it was kind of pointless for me to go.  Dr. Jekyll was in rare form today.  The first part of class, he couldn't figure out how to access his PowerPoint, so he decided to have a discussion.  Here is the problem with this.

1) It is obvious that this man is not rational.
2) He loves the NHS.
3) He hates any and all information/evidence that goes against the phrase "The NHS is the best thing ever and nobody has every had an issue with it because it just so great".
(Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this man had "NHS for Life" tattooed on his body somewhere.

So, today when he asked if we thought the NHS management was efficient, this girl in my class should really just have kept her mouth shut.  But no, she had to tell this man that her Mom was a nurse and how she worked something like 70 hours overtime a month and the management was doing nothing to help her (ok, yes it's probably true, but really this is a pointless battle with this man).  This sparked a 30 minute argument between this girl and Dr. Jekyll.

Girl: "My mom works a lot of overtime and management does nothing about it."

Dr. Jekyll: "Well, in my experience managers are never doing nothing.  They have to be doing something.  They are very busy people.  So what are they doing, if they aren't  helping the nurses?"

Girl: "They're doing nothing."

Dr. Jekyll: "Well they aren't getting paid 60,000 pounds a year to sit around and do nothing."

Girl: "Yeah, well they're probably out playing golf.  That's where they always seem to be."

Dr. Jekyll: "Do you have EVIDENCE of this!?"

Girl: "No, but my..."

Dr. Jekyll: "Then you have no argument!!! YOU MUST HAVE EVIDENCE!"

As this "discussion" went on, I had an epiphany.  I knew that this guy looked familiar and I finally figured it out! He is a dead ringer for Christopher Lloyd aka Dr. Emmit Brown in Back to the Future.

Honestly, this is such a great representation of him.

Well, after I made this connection I was amazed to see that the argument about management was still going on.  He finally stopped when he realized that he only had a half and hour left to actually teach us something.  Although that didn't stop him from going on to a different topic.  Then he started in on the lack of nurses in Scotland (which is kind of funny considering he was saying this wasn't a big deal 5 minutes before).  Here is how this went.

Dr. Jekyll: "I am going to give you a TRUE scenario and we are going to discuss a solution.  There is woman on a remote island (it had a name, but I don't remember what it was) who had to have the dressing on her leg changed daily.  So, a nurse from the hospital she attended had to drive 3 hours to her home everyday for a 3 minute procedure.  How could management make this more efficient? You there, what would you say."

Girl #1: "They could move the nurse to the island."

Dr. Jekyll: "That's a HORRIBLE idea. (points to different girl) What would you do?"

Girl #2: "Have the woman stay at the hospital or have her move to a closer one."

Dr. Jekyll: "I guess that would work ok.  It would save some money. (points to me) What about you?" (I was slightly horrified to realize he was talking to me.)

Me: "It sounds like a simple procedure.  Couldn't she just do it herself or couldn't the nurse train someone in her family to do it for her?"

Dr. Jekyll: "THAT NURSE DOES MORE THAN CHANGE BANDAGES! She has to observe the wound to see how it is improving or changing...[more of him talking. This went on for 5 minutes about why this wouldn't work]...But in the end, they trained someone in her family to do it for her and the nurse visited her every other week. (points to me) Good thinking."  

Can someone please explain to me why I needed to hear why this wasn't a logical option when the scenario played out exactly how I suggested? 

The rest of the lecture was just him pulling up his PowerPoint (finally) which was the exact same one that he used for the first NHS lecture.  It was a pointless lecture to attend.  I'm supposed to have another one on Thursday, but the Royal Wedding will be more educational than this man's lecture.  I will unfortunately have him for my seminar on Thursday.  I'm sure it will be interesting at the very least.  

Tomorrow I have a pretty easy day.  I don't have any classes, but I do have an interview via Skype to become an International Orientation Guide again next semester (at Butler in case you were wondering.  I was one last Fall too).  It should be a good time!

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