Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My UK Chip Observations

Hello everyone! Today was pretty uneventful for me.  I had my seminar this morning with Snape.  There were a grand total of 4 people in that seminar today...and 3 of those people weren't in seminar lat week to hear that it's not required to attend LEI seminars.  I'm sure that the seminar after Spring Break is sure to be interesting... and empty.

After my seminar, I had a PMA lecture.  We talked about Scottish Parliament.  This lecture probably would have been pretty interesting, if I didn't have a kid wheezing in the seat behind me.  Every time British Unibrow would get to something important, Wheezy would start up and be really annoying.  Wheezy greatly inhibited my relationship with Scottish Parliament. I was not happy.

The rest of the day, I pretty much just worked on essays.  (Even though Wheezy distracted me from Scottish Parliament, we got our relationship back on track when I started writing my PMA essay.  After abandoning my first love, Czechoslovakian history, I have now moved on to have a complete library about Scottish Parliament in my room.  I also recently discovered that you can only check 10 books out from the library at a time, so I have to finish my PMA paper before I can start on my affair with Germany, Year Zero for EUC.)  Then, I had dinner (a hodgepodge combination of pasta) before getting back to my essay.  Tomorrow I plan on going into town and just working on essays. Thus, the pattern of my life leading up to Spring Break continues.

I've noticed while I've been over here, that they sell really weird chip (or crisps as they are called here) flavors.  First, Walkers are the main chip brand here (whereas it's Lays or Frito-Lays back home).  So, I did some research, because the Walkers logo looks suspiciously similar to the Lays logo.  And it turns out they are both owned by Frito-Lay.  Why the name is different, I can't figure it out.  But anyways, the flavors they have here are crazy.

From the top going right, are Salt & Vinegar, Smoky Bacon, Marmite, Prawn Cocktail, Roasted Chicken, and Cheese & Onion. (Note: they also have Salted even though it isn't shown here.)

Now, some of these flavors can be translated over into American terms, even though they taste different.  Salt & Vinegar are probably the most popular chips here.  Which, I like because they're really isn't a large variety of Salt & Vinegar chips back home and they're one of my favorites.  This is one of the chip flavors that's better over here (off topic a little, Doritos over here are 10 times better than in the US.  They aren't greasy like they are back home).  Cheese & Onion is just Sour Cream and Onion.  These are pretty good too, but they're different from the US.  And the Salted are just like regular Lays.  It's the meat flavored chips that creep me out.  I haven't tried Smokey Bacon, Prawn Cocktail, or Roast Chicken.  They all kind of freak me out.  Chips shouldn't taste like meat in my opinion.  And these are all popular flavors (they also have Worcestershire flavored) that you can find in vending machines everywhere.  It's just really strange to me.

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