Sunday, March 20, 2011

Scottish McDonald's

Hello everyone! First, let me just say...WASN'T THE BUTLER GAME AWESOME LAST NIGHT? (sorry for the screaming-at-you-all-caps, but it was necessary.)  I woke up and just intended to check the score and ended up watching the game, but it was worth it even with the time difference. Hopefully the Thursday game will be at normal waking hours for me.

Today was a pretty uneventful day for me.  I basically just wrote an essay that's due on Tuesday and worked on my presentation for tomorrow.  This morning my friend, Katelin, and I went to church.  It was really nice again.  I was really excited because we sang "He's Got the Whole the World in His Hands" (except it's hand not hands here).  I miss the oldy but goody songs like that!  After church, we stayed and chatted for a while and had some cookies before leaving.  Then, we decided that it was time...time to experience McDonald's.

I don't know why we haven't been to the McDonald's here before, but now it's definitely a Sunday tradition.  First, let me explain that I don't know why it's a really big deal to not have been to McDonald's here yet, but it is.  I think it's because now that we've started we won't stop.  It's like a little piece of Americana in the middle of Stirling (now that is something that should be put on a button).  Why is it so nice you may ask?  Well, let me just make you a list.

1. They have ice in their drinks.  I can't tell you how many warm diet cokes I've had since being here.  (In case you were wondering, ice is a rarity over here.  Having ice in your drink is a very American thing that the Scottish just don't understand.  Generally, I don't miss it, but whenever we order water at restaurants and it comes in a pitcher with ice cubes, we kind of fight over who gets the ice.)

2. They have ketchup! I really only miss ketchup whenever I'm eating fish and chips (not saying that I don't love how they put vinegar and salt on their fries (it's like salt and vinegar chips) but it's nice to have ketchup every now then).

3.  It was a really nice McDonald's.  I don't know if it's new or whatever, but you know how most McDonald's tend to be kind (for lack of better terms) crusty and sticky?  Well, this McDonald's may possibly be the cleanest McDonald's on planet Earth.  I don't feel like I contracted any diseases after being there (no offense Sullivan McDonald's).

4. It was quiet! They had an upstairs and downstairs and the downstairs was quiet.  No screaming kids and bickering parents; just nice calm human beings.

5. It was American food.  I have never tasted a Chicken McNugget that has been that delicious.

Needless to say, now that we've gone we'll be going back.

This week should be pretty mellow for me.  I'm really just trying to focus on getting my essays done so that I can enjoy my Spring Break! Tomorrow I have 2 classes and my presentation tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Michelle, here, you will do fabulous on your don't need luck :)
