Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fire Alarms

Hello everyone! Today was another average day.  I had 3 classes today.  My first one (LEI with Snape) had a grand total of 12 people that showed for class today.  That's 12 people out of a total 80 or so.  I wonder if by the end of the semester it will only be me that still goes to lecture.  I'm surprised that Snape hasn't started to take attendance just to get more students to come.  My Butler professors get angry when only 12 out of 18 show up for class.  I think 12 out of 80 must be a new record.

After my first class, I went to the library to study for a while before my PMA seminar.  I had British Unibrow (which I was really happy about because he has more life in him than Frazzled) for my seminar today.  Attendance for the seminar was better than my first class, but usually students do go to seminars (because they take attendance).  We watched an old British sitcom (called Yes Minister) which was about the Civil Service and government and what not (think West Wing with British humor).  It was a pretty good seminar.  But here is one of my pet peeves, British Unibrow was late (past 11:05 Scottish-standard late.  He waltzed in at about 11:15).  And instead of just cutting his seminar short, he held us over.  This always really irritates me, because one, I have a PMA lecture at 1, so it cuts down on my study time before I have to go to the same class. Two, don't hold me over when you are the one that was late.  (And just a note, he was also late for my lecture at 1.)

Once I finally got out of my seminar, I went back to the library for a while before going to my next class.  I was also impressed by the attendance in this class.  I don't know why, but it's better attended than my LEI lectures.  We talked more about Civil Service stuff.  It was ok.  There's only so many lectures on the Civil Service that I can find interesting.

After class, I went back and worked on my presentation and essays.  I'll be happy when it's Spring Break and all of these things are done, but for now it's work for me! (I did take a break today to watch some parts of the Butler vs. Old Dominion game because I figured out that I could watch it online.)  Tomorrow I have one class and then it'll be back to studying.

So, I have discovered a pattern over here that really bothers me.  First, let me say that I always complained about Butler's fire alarms.  They would go off in the middle of the night and the fire fighters would always mosey, taking their dear sweet time to check every inch of the building for fire before I could go back to bed.  Well, I have come to miss Butler's alarms because of how horrible they are here.  These fire alarms are crazy.  They have to be checked once a week (every Wednesday at 10:36 incase you're curious) which I kind of understand, but it's really annoying.  They also go off all of the time.  Last night it went off twice and went off a third time this afternoon.  Also, you never know with these alarms how long it's going to last.  My favorites are when they go off at 2 in the morning (which happens at least once a week) for about 30 seconds.  So, it's just long enough for me to get out of bed, put on shoes and a coat, grab my keys and be reaching for the door when it turns off.  Then, I'm awake and alert and can't go back asleep.  At least when Butler's alarms went off, it was for a semi-serious reason (semi-serious being people who can't read the directions on the back of a pizza box).  Here, I think they go off any time someone breaths too heavily in their vicinity.  Hopefully tonight, the fire alarm will leave me alone.

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