Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stirling Day

Hello everyone! Today, Katelin, Kristy, Grace and I headed into Stirling for our Stirling Day.  The first thing we did upon entering into town was walk up to the Church of the Holy Rude (the one by the castle and the graveyard).  We decided a few weeks ago that we would donate all of our change that we accumulated over the semester (all of the stupid/worthless coins such as 2 pence, 1 pence and 5 pence for me at least) to the church.  (They have a little donation box by the door with a sign that says that the church's up keep is entirely reliant on donations.  It always made me feel really bad because they never had a lot in there).  So, with our 5 lbs (you think I'm kidding, but I'm not) of change in tow, we hauled it up the hill to the church.

Upon entering the church, we realized that putting our change coin by coin into the collection box wasn't going to work, so we combined all of our change into 1 Tesco bag (we had a lot of change) and I gave it to the man who was working at the church today (they always have people there to answer questions and give tours.  I think sometimes it's the minister and others it's just volunteers and members).  I think we pretty much made his day.  He looked pretty baffled, but got all excited and said things like "we've never gotten a bag full of money before! I'm going to lock this up right away!."  He was really nice.  We looked around at the stuff that they had for sale in the church and he told us we could take anything that we wanted.  So, we each got a paper postcard with things about the church on it.  (Mine is of a stained glass window in the church of an angel that was (quoting my card here) "designed to be an encouragement to us to be open to God's messengers and to see the angel in every person and in every situation.)

After visiting the Holy Rude, we walked back down the hill and went to the visitor information center (go figure, we head there on one of our last day in Stirling) to see what kind of merchandise they had.  Then, we walked around Stirling and visited some or our favorite shops again.  I finally bought my duffel bag and we had McDonald's for lunch.  It was a really nice day in Stirling.  Tomorrow we are going hill walking.  There is one hill that over looks the town and campus that I have been really wanting to climb because I know the view is going to be awesome (everybody else has already done it, but let's be real here, I'm the least outdoors-y of the bunch), but I've heard it's a pretty tough climb.  Well, tomorrow we're going to do it (and I'm going to take it slow).  Then, tomorrow night we're having out epic family dinner (in case you didn't know, my friends and I eat dinner together every night and we call those family dinners).  So, we're doing it pot luck style.  It should be really good.

Tonight, I am going to do a fun Top 5.  My Top 5 Foods (that I've eaten while over here).  There's no captions for these because they were all delicious.

5.) Nutella Milkshake

4.) Donuts!

3.) Ice Cream

 2.) Scottish Breakfast

 1.) Fish and Chips

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